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How to configure

Most of the DBD products have a configuration file. This file is used to configure the bot to your liking. You can find the configuration file in the bot's folder. The configuration file is called config.json or config.js.


You can open the configuration file with a proper text editor, like Visual Studio Code or Atom. Editors like these will highlight the syntax and make it easier to edit the configuration file. and will validate the syntax.

If you still want to use a simple text editor, you can use JSONLint to validate the syntax of the configuration file.

Configuration options


In the configuration file you will see a lot of {}. These are objects, and they contain options. For example:

"settings": {
"option1": "value1",
"option2": "value2",
"option3": "value3"


In configurations you sometimes have an option with an array []. This means you can add multiple values to this option. For example, if you have an option called prefix and the value is ["!", "?"], this means you can use both ! and ? as prefix. If you want to add another prefix, you can add it like this: ["!", "?", "-"].

This is also possible to add objects into arrays [], for example:

"prefix": ["!", "?", "-"],
"commands": [
"name": "ping",
"description": "Pong!",
"usage": "ping",
"aliases": ["pong", "p"]
"name": "help",
"description": "Shows the help menu",
"usage": "help",
"aliases": ["h"]

Above you can see how the commands option has 2 objects in the array []. make sure to separate the objects with a comma. Each object has the same options as the other objects, but with different values.