Counter Panels
This module allows you to create counter panels. You can create as many counter panels as you want. You can also customize the counter panels to your liking. You can even display multiple game servers in the same panel.
The configuration options are located in the config.js
file under the counterPanels
config.js → counterPanels
counterPanels: [
// the list of counter panels
uniqueId: 'panel1', // the panel's unique id
channelId: '1112037497082499092', // the channel id where the panel will be posted
servers: ['Server1', 'Server2'], // a list of server ids to include in the panel
formatting: {
servers: {
title: '{statusEmoji} {locked} {name}', // the title of the server fields
message: `Info: \`{info}\`\nPlayers: \`{players}/{maxPlayers}\`\nMap: \`{map}\`\nConnect: [Join Here]({joinLink})\nPing: \`{ping}\`\n{disclaimer}{playerList}`, // the message of the server fields
inline: false, // if true, the server fields will be inline
total: {
enabled: true, // if true, the total field will be included
title: '🌐 Total `{players}/{maxPlayers} Playing`', // the title of the total field
message: '↳ [Link](', // the message of the total field
inline: false, // if true, the total field will be inline
statusEmojis: {
// the emojis to use for the status of the servers
online: '✅', // will be used if the server is online
offline: '❌', // will be used if the server is offline
locked: '🔒', // used when the server has a password
message: {
// the panel message options
content: 'panel 1',
title: 'Server Counters',
description: '`Below are all servers listed with some info:`',
footer_text: "Default's Bot Development",
footer_icon: '',
author_name: '',
author_url: '',
author_icon: '',
color: '#038cb5',
timestamp: true,
thumbnail: '',
image: '',
url: '',
This is a list of all the placeholders that you can use in the configuration shown above.
Server Field:
Placeholder | Description |
{name} | The name of the server |
{title} | The server title |
{disclaimer} | Message to display if the server data is outdated. |
{locked} | The locked emoji if the server has a password |
{playerNames} | The list of player names on the server |
{statusEmoji} | The emoji to use for the server status |
{playerCount} | The number of players on the server |
{maxPlayers} | The max number of players on the server |
{joinLink} | The link to join the server |
{ping} | The ping of the server |
{info} | The info of the server |
{map} | The map of the server |
Total Field:
Placeholder | Description |
{playerCount} | The total number of players on all servers |
{maxPlayers} | The total max number of players on all servers |
{servers} | The total number of servers |
Coming soon!