The server controller module allows users from discord to control your severs. This module can be used to start, stop, restart, update and view the status of your servers.
To control a server you need to use the /controller
command followed by action and server name. Once the command is sent the bot will reply with a message once the action has been completed.
With this module you can allow staff to control your servers without giving them access to sensetive information.
Required ()
/controller <action> <server>
- Sends the action to the server.
The configuration options are located in the config.js
file under the controller
section inside the modules
controller: {
enabled: true, // Whether or not the server controller will be enabled.
allowed_role_id: '1015588499971395614', // The roles that are allowed to use the server controller.
panels: [
unique_id: 'panel1', // The unique ID of the panel. This should be a unique value based on the other panels.
channel_id: '1165970057919217724', // The ID of the channel where the panel will be sent.
title: '{server} Controller Panel', // The title of the panel.
description: 'Status: {status}', // The description of the panel.
server_identifier: 'server1', // The identifier of the server. This should be the identifier used in the servers section.
The translations are located in the translation.js
file. The translations are prefixed with module_controller_
module_controller_command_name: 'controller',
module_controller_command_description: 'Control the serverStop, start, restart, update or get the status of a server',
module_controller_command_option_action_name: 'action',
module_controller_command_option_action_description: 'The action to perform',
module_controller_command_option_server_name: 'server',
module_controller_command_option_server_description: 'The server to perform the action on',
module_controller_command_action_choice_start: 'start',
module_controller_command_action_choice_stop: 'stop',
module_controller_command_action_choice_restart: 'restart',
module_controller_command_action_choice_update: 'update',
module_controller_command_action_choice_status: 'status',
module_controller_invalid_server: '❌ The selected server does not exist',
module_controller_already_running: '❌ The selected server is already running',
module_controller_already_stopped: '❌ The selected server is already stopped',
module_controller_not_allowed: '❌ You are not allowed to use the server controller!',
module_controller_invalid_panel: '❌ The selected panel does not exist',
module_controller_starting: '⚙️ Starting server...',
module_controller_started: '✅ Server is now starting',
module_controller_stopping: '⚙️ Stopping server...',
module_controller_stopped: '✅ Server is now stopping',
module_controller_restarting: '⚙️ Restarting server...',
module_controller_restarted: '✅ Server is now restarting',
module_controller_updating: '⚙️ Updating server...',
module_controller_updated: '✅ Server is now updating',
module_controller_getting_status: '⚙️ Getting server status...',
module_controller_status: '✅ Server status: {status}',
module_controller_status_online: 'Online',
module_controller_status_offline: 'Offline',
Controller command options
Controller panel