This module allows staff members to create polls for users to vote on. The polls can be created by using the poll command, once a poll is created users can vote on it by using the reactions below. This module allows you to get feedback from your users on certain topics, or just to have fun with them.
A common way to use this module is to create a poll for next wipes maps, so players can vote on which map they prefer for the next wipe.
Required ()
/poll <topic> <options> <channel> (description)
- Creates a poll and sends it to the specified channel.
The configuration options are located in the config.js
file under the polls
section inside the modules
polls: {
enabled: true, // Whether or not the poll module will be enabled.
embed_color: '#00ff00', // The color of the poll embed.
reaction_emojis: ['1️⃣', '2️⃣', '3️⃣', '4️⃣', '5️⃣', '6️⃣', '7️⃣', '8️⃣', '9️⃣', '🔟'], // These emojis are used for the poll reactions.
The translations are located in the translation.js
file. The translations are prefixed with module_polls_
module_polls_command_name: 'poll',
module_polls_command_description: 'Create a poll',
module_polls_command_option_topic_name: 'topic',
module_polls_command_option_topic_description: 'The topic of the poll',
module_polls_command_option_options_name: 'options',
module_polls_command_option_options_description: 'Separate options with a comma. (max 10)',
module_polls_command_option_channel_name: 'channel',
module_polls_command_option_channel_description: 'The channel to send the poll to',
module_polls_command_option_description_name: 'description',
module_polls_command_option_description_description: 'The description of the poll',
module_polls_embed_description: '{description}\n\n**Options:**\n{options}',
module_polls_invalid_options: '❌ You must provide between 2 and 10 options',
module_polls_success: '✅ Successfully sent poll in {channel}',
Poll embed