The suggestions module allows players to create suggestions for your server(s). Once the player uses the suggest command the module will create a new suggestion inside the suggestion channel with the players suggestion. The module will also add reactions to the suggestion message so players can vote on the suggestion.
This way you can get a better idea of what your players want to see on your server(s).
Required ()
/suggest <suggestion>
- Creates a new suggestion.
The configuration options are located in the config.js
file under the suggestions
section inside the modules
suggestions: {
enabled: true, // Whether or not the suggestions module will be enabled.
channel_id: '1144246574667534498', // The ID of the channel where the suggestions will be sent. This channel should only be accessible by the bot and the staff team.
embed_title: '', // The title of the suggestion embed.
embed_description: '```{topic}```', // The description of the suggestion embed.
embed_footer_text: 'Suggestion by {username}', // The footer of the suggestion embed.
embed_footer_icon: '', // The footer icon of the embed.
embed_color: '#00ff00', // The color of the suggestion embed.
embed_timestamp: true, // Whether or not the suggestion embed will have a timestamp.
embed_author_name: 'Suggestion by {username}', // The author name of the suggestion embed.
embed_author_url: '', // The author url of the embed.
embed_author_icon: '{userpfp}', // Whether or not the suggestion embed will have an author icon.
embed_image: '', // The image of the wipe countdown embed.
embed_url: '', // The url of the responder embed
embed_fields: [], // The fields of the responder embed
accept_emoji: '✅', // The emoji that will be used to accept a suggestion.
deny_emoji: '❌', // The emoji that will be used to deny a suggestion.
This is a list of all the placeholders that you can use in the configuration shown above.
Placeholder | Description |
{topic} | The suggestion message |
{user} | The user that suggested the suggestion |
{username} | The username of the user that suggested the suggestion |
{userpfp} | The profile picture of the user |
The translations are located in the translation.js
file. The translations are prefixed with module_suggestions_
module_suggestions_command_name: 'suggest',
module_suggestions_command_description: 'Suggest something for the server',
module_suggestions_command_option_suggestion_name: 'suggestion',
module_suggestions_command_option_suggestion_description: 'The suggestion',
module_suggestions_success: '✅ Successfully sent suggestion in {channel}',
Suggestion message examples