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The embedder module allows staff to create and edit embeds across your discord server. This module is a great way to make your server look more professional and organized.

You can send embeds with the embedder command, once sent the module will keep track of each embed and updates then if the confiuration has changed. This means you can edit the embeds without having to resend them every time.


<> Required () Optional

/embedder <embed> - Sends the embed in the channel the command is used.


The configuration options are located in the config.js file under the embedder section inside the modules object.

config.js → modules → embedder
embedder: [
enabled: true, // Whether or not the embed will be sent or edited.
identifier: 'example', // The identifier of the embed, Make sure this is a unique value based on the other embeds.
message_content: 'This is an example embed', // The message content that will be sent above the embed.
embed_title: 'Example', // The title of the embed.
embed_description: 'This is an example embed', // The description of the embed.
embed_color: '#00ff00', // The color of the embed.
embed_timestamp: true, // Whether or not the embed will have a timestamp.
embed_thumbnail: '', // The thumbnail of the embed.
embed_image: '', // The image of the embed.
embed_footer_text: 'This is an example embed', // The footer of the embed.
embed_footer_icon: '', // The footer icon of the embed.
embed_author_name: '', // The author name of the embed.
embed_author_url: '', // The author url of the embed.
embed_author_icon: '', // The author icon of the embed.
embed_url: '', // The url of the embed.
embed_fields: [
name: 'Example', // The name of the field.
value: 'Example', // The value of the field.
inline: false, // Whether or not the field will be inline.
Additional information

Multiple embeds → If you want to add more embeds you can copy the embed object and change the information and place it in the array.

Embed fields → The embed fields are a list of fields. Each field has its own configuration options. To remove all the fields you can set the embed_fields option to an empty array ([]). To add more fields you can copy the field object and change the information and place it in the array.

Auto updating → The bot will automatically update the embeds when the configuration has been changed. So you don't have to restart the bot to update the embeds.


Embedder embed example
